Study in Taiwan

Study in Taiwan

Taiwan Education Center in Indonesia

In Indonesia, there are currently 2 TEC (Taiwan Education Center) offices, which are located at UNJ (Universitas Negeri Jakarta) and UMY (Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta). The TEC offices at UMY and UNJ are operated directly by TETO Indonesia and the Ministry of Education of Taiwan. Other institutions with the TEC name are operated by private foundations, not related with the MOE of Taiwan.

Please find the list of TEC offices officially established by the MOE of Taiwan on FICHET website (

The existence of TEC is expected to be the connecting link between Indonesian students and universities and their counterparts in Taiwan, as well as being a bilateral exchange platform between the two countries. TEC will also regularly share information regarding university admissions and scholarships in Taiwan for Indonesian students.

~ Education Division, TETO in Jakarta ~

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