

On March 27, 2024, the Taiwan Education Center (TEC) Indonesia Yogyakarta Regional Office and the Education Division in Taipei Economic and Trade Office (TETO) Jakarta organized the 2024 Taiwan-Indonesia High Schools Online Exchange Program. The program collaborated with SMA Negeri 1 Yogyakarta from Indonesia and Taipei Municipal Zhonglun High School from Taiwan. This program aims to enhance the students’ understanding of cultures and languages and build friendships between students from Taiwan and Indonesia.

This program included 35 students from SMA Negeri Yogyakarta and 35 from Taipei Municipal Zhonglun High School. Each school has five speakers to deliver the presentations. The presentations were delivered in English, and the topics varied from tourism, culinary, traditional clothes, transportation, and many others.

The Director of the Education Division TETO Indonesia, Grace Ou, Principal of SMA Negeri 1 Teladan Yogyakarta Principal Drs Jumadi, M.Si, Principal of Taipei Municipal Zhonglun High School Liu Ching-ching, Taiwan Education Center (TEC) Indonesia Yogyakarta Regional Office Bima and Dinda attends this program.

During the Q&A, the participants from both schools showed their enthusiasm and delivered some questions. As demonstrated by the students from both sides, the interest has encouraged both schools to conduct a similar agenda or arrange new joint activities that could add academic value for both schools. Additionally, the Education Division TETO will continuously match other high schools from Taiwan and Indonesia in a collaborative project to enhance the internationalization of high school education between countries.