
Taiwan Education Centre Online Seminar “Study in Taiwan and Obtain Scholarship” in collaboration with Universitas Islam Riau (UIR)

TEC UMY has collaborated with Universitas Islam Riau to held an Online Seminar “Study in Taiwan and Obtain Scholarship” on April 20th, 2022 via Google Meet. The agenda was opened by an opening remark given by the Rector of the University, Prof. Dr. H. Syafrinaldi, S.H., MCL. The participants varied from students to lecturers. They were very enthusiastic listening to the explanation regarding the topic by the speaker, M. Bima Aoron Hafiz.

This agenda was full of excitement and the participants were very active in the discussion by throwing a lot of questions to the speaker. The Online Seminar discussed about the background of Taiwan, education system, requirements of scholarship and many others. Even though it was held online, hopefully this Online Seminar could brighten the insights of the participants in UIR towards studying abroad especially in Taiwan.