
TEC Yogyakarta Meet the Rector of Universitas Janabadra Yogyakarta to Discuss Study in Taiwan and Collaborations with Taiwan Universities

Taiwan Education Center (TEC) Indonesia – Yogyakarta was invited by Universitas Janabadra Yogyakarta (UJB) on Thursday (9/2) to meet the Rector of UBJ, Dr. Risdiyanto, S.T., M.T., all the vice rectors, and the lecturers of various faculties of UBJ. Usually, TEC presents in front of students, but in this meeting, TEC was giving a presentation about study in Taiwan and the opportunities only to the lecturers to pursue higher education in Taiwan as well as have possible research collaborations. 

On this occasion, TEC received a very warm welcome and enthusiasm from the audience. The lecturers were curious about the procedure of applying for the 2023 Taiwan’s Ministry of Education (MoE) Scholarship which opened on February 1st this year. Many of them were interested in pursuing doctoral degrees in Taiwan. 

The information which was provided by TEC was not only about the scholarships offered by the Taiwan government and Taiwan university, but also about the Taiwan Experience Education Program (TEEP). TEEP is a program which allows the lecturers to experience in research and internship in Taiwan. 

Furthermore, UBJ also asked TEC regarding the possibility of building a connection with Taiwan universities and having research collaborations with the Taiwan universities.