
Live Instagram sharing session “Ramadhan in Taiwan”

Taiwan Education Center UMY keeps spread information about Taiwan. TEC-UMY tries to use social media for publication about Taiwan. This week TEC-UMY held a sharing session through feature Live Instagram. This session was held by TEC-UMY on 14th May 2020. The Live Instagram strated at 15:00 until 16:45. The sharing session brought the theme about Ramadhan in Taiwan. The session was moderated by Litha Nabila from TEC-UMY and collaborated with Rofi Aulia as the speaker. Rofi Aulia is a master student in Asia University, Taiwan. While the sharing session he told about his life in Taiwan, and especially when Ramadhan in Taiwan. Since muslim is a minority in Taiwan but Rofi Aulia said that we can celebrate Ramadhan well. This Live Instagram were watched by 42 viewers. They can directly ask by drop a comment. Last, TEC-UMY hope by this agenda can interact people especially muslim to visit or continue their study in Taiwan without worrying anything as a muslim.